Disease is, in a large number of cases, primarily due to the wrongful alignment of mind, body and spirit.

– Silver Birch

I work with Spirit to assist clients with various common emotional and physical challenges that limit them in their lives and ability to achieve their full potential.

Personal Blocks (a.k.a. Soul Contracts)

All of us have areas of our life where we struggle to identity-795295_1280-pixabaychange our behaviours, patterns, fears or areas of resistance.  Typically, these originate in traumatic moments from past lives.  In the midst of that trauma, we thought or said something with such emotion and focus behind it – as the creator beings we are – that we inadvertently created a sort of ‘contract’.  This emphatic thought/statement or soul contract, begins to affect us and remains in effect in other existences until removed.

While most soul contracts are from other lifetimes we can certainly create them in this incarnation too.

For example, say that you suffered through an ugly divorce so you vehemently promise yourself that you will NEVER, EVER get married again.  Fast forward to years later when you meet a new partner and decide to wed.  Every time you think about getting married you become increasing anxious for reasons you can’t explain.  You are struggling against the soul contract you unwittingly put in place!

You have probably lived hundreds or even thousands of lives.  In how many of those have you created soul contracts?  Here are some of the issues – even physical! – I have seen shift with soul contract release:

  • Money issues/worries
  • Difficulty speaking up/speaking out
  • Feeling unsafe in the world
  • Resistance to spirituality or using your psychic/mediumistic abilities
  • Anxiety related to specific situations (e.g., driving, public speaking etc.)
  • Fears (e.g., heights, water, bees, etc.)
  • Neck or back pain (past-life broken neck/back), or other bodily pains
  • Sciatica (past-life venomous bite)
  • Food intolerance and digestive symptoms

 Trapped Emotions (The Emotion Code)

Who among us has not lived through distressing events that have affected us deeply?  Most of the time we experience the trauma then forget about it yet the energy of emotion-1465151_640that emotion can become trapped.  With that energy still within your body you may feel the emotion more intensely than you otherwise would.  You may also experience the trapped emotions as a physical discomfort that improves or resolves once the emotions are released.  All of us end up with trapped emotions and many of us have built a wall around our hearts as a sort of defense mechanism.  This heart-wall can prevent us from engaging fully with life and with others.

You can easily discover for yourself and clear any trapped emotions or heart-wall you may have.  Dr. Bradley Nelson, in his book The Emotion Code, explains how to do this.

The Body Code

The Body Code, also from Dr. Bradley Nelson, is a far more extensive program for improving both physical and emotional issues.  Imbalances in the body relating not just to energies (trapped emotions and others) but also circuits and systems, toxins, pathogens, misalignments, and nutrition and lifestyle are identified and addressed energetically in a similar fashion as described in The Emotion Code.  While it is true that trapped emotions are a common cause of our emotional and physical problems, there are many other unhelpful energies that may get stuck in our bodies after stressful mental, emotional or physical events.  These energies may not only create emotional challenges but may cause misalignments of body tissues thereby causing imbalances in the glands, organs, bones etc. in which they are located.

For more information I recommend this hour-long YouTube interview with Dr. Nelson which describes his path to energy healing and how The Body Code works.