What is belief?  You humans think that to believe is to know something for certain but we say to you that belief is much more than that.  Belief involves knowing in your heart when something is true.  This is much different than knowing with the mind.  The mind wants to question everything; wants proof.  The heart says “I do not need to be shown.  I feel the truth of the matter in my bones and that is enough for me.”

Let us give you this example.  When a young baby cries and the mother says “I know what is wrong.  My baby is hungry” you may say that this is a matter of the mind of the mother knowing the patterns of the child and this can be true also.  But more often it is a knowingness on the part of the mother or what you call mother’s intuition.  Mother’s intuition is nothing more than the soul of the mother touching the soul of the infant.  You do this with each other all the time but do not recognize it.  Here is another example.  You think of a person and then the phone rings and it is them.  These things do not equate to a knowing with the mind but to a knowing with the soul.  Your spirit is much stronger than you think; it knows things you cannot possibly know by any other means.

We tell you these things so that you begin to pay attention to the little details that come to you.  Do not dismiss them.  Encourage them.  If you find that you have an ability to sense the emotions of others you may be an empath; one who absorbs the energy of others to read their mental state.  You must be careful not to do so unawares and take on their emotions as your own.

Belief and your intuitive senses are different sides of the same coin.  If you believe, you will continue to develop your intuitive senses, and likewise, as your connection to Spirit and your intuition strengthens, so does your belief in the reality of the unseen world – what you cannot perceive with your human senses.

In this way what first seemed incredible and impossible becomes the norm.  Knowing more than what others know becomes your way of life.  Soon you find that you solve problems and plot your way forward not with the head but with the heart.  Life becomes a flow of doing what feels right in any given minute whether it is what you had planned or not.  Can you live like this?  Can you truly put yourself in the hands of your own spirit and the spirit of those around you to be guided in an unseen manner?  This is our challenge to you.

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